The services and products offered by Tradeview Markets are not being offered within the United States (US) and not being offered to US Persons, as defined under US law. The information on this website is not directed to residents of any country where FX and/or CFDs trading is restricted or prohibited by local laws or regulations.
Tradeview Europe Limited는 투자 회사로 허가받았으며 몰타 금융 서비스 당국의 규제를 받습니다. Tradeview Europe Limited는 몰타에 등록되어 있으며, 등록 번호 C93990로 Tradeview Ltd의 비즈니스 운영 서비스를 제공하는 계열사로 활동하고 있습니다.
There is a risk of loss in trading foreign currencies and it is not suitable for everyone. We are compensated for our services through the bid-ask spread. Tradeview is not responsible for any gains or losses on currency rates or exchanges during any transaction.